
109 entries « 3 of 3 »


H H M Weerts, A G Dankers, P M J Van den Hof: Identifiability in dynamic network identification. Eindhoven University of Technology 2015. (Type: Technical Report | Links)


A G Dankers, P M J Van den Hof, X Bombois, P S C Heuberger: Errors-in-variables identification in dynamic networks. Proc. of the 19th IFAC World Congress, pp. 2335-2340, 2014. (Type: Inproceedings | Links)
B Günes, A G Dankers, P M J Van den Hof: Variance reduction for identification in dynamic networks. Proc. of the 19th IFAC World Congress, pp. 2842-2847, 2014. (Type: Inproceedings | Links)
A G Dankers, P M J Van den Hof, X Bombois: Direct and indirect continuous-time identification in dynamic networks. Proc. 53rd IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control (CDC), pp. 3334-3339, IEEE Los Angeles, CA, USA, 2014. (Type: Inproceedings | Links)
A G Dankers: System identification in dynamic networks. Delft University of Technology, 2014. (Type: PhD Thesis | Links)


P M J Van den Hof, A G Dankers, P S C Heuberger, X Bombois: Identification of dynamic models in complex networks with prediction error methods - basic methods for consistent module estimates. Automatica, 49 (10), pp. 2994–3006, 2013. (Type: Journal Article | Links)
A G Dankers, P M J Van den Hof, X Bombois, P S C Heuberger: Predictor input selection for two-stage identification in dynamic networks. Proc. 2013 European Control Conference (ECC), pp. 1422-1427, 2013. (Type: Inproceedings | Links)
A G Dankers, P M J Van den Hof, P S C Heuberger: Predictor input selection for direct identification in dynamic networks. Proc. 52nd IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control (CDC), pp. 4541–4546, IEEE 2013. (Type: Inproceedings | Links)


A G Dankers, P M J Van den Hof, P S C Heuberger, X Bombois: Dynamic network structure identification with prediction error methods - basic examples. J Schoukens, R Bitmead (Ed.): Proc. 16th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, Brussels, Belgium, pp. 876-881, 2012. (Type: Inproceedings | Links)
109 entries « 3 of 3 »